LOGO- Final


I really liked my first draft logo. It was a plain football and looked normal, classy, and got the point across. But after looking at it for awhile I got tired of it. It was just too normal and boring. So I just decided to live life on the edge and do something fun and new. When you think about it, all logos that are the best are the unforgettable, different, and unique ones.

I started with changing the lightening bolts. I didn’t want to make them so normal looking, so I simply just expanded the different edges to make them all look different and unique. Next I added a sort of reflection, or shadow looking thing. It made the ball look alive, more 3D and didn’t make it just look like a picture.

Next I changed the colors of my words. I changed them to match the lightning bolts. I didn’t want to put too many different colors on the logo and make people go crazy. I also thought about changing the words or the font but I liked the way it was. Someone said to take away the word “football”because it was obvious but I thought it would be weird if I just had words at the top and not the bottom of the ball, I had to even it out.

Honestly for my last move, I don’t really know what I did. I was trying to put a stroke on the ball, or something to give the ball more depth. I ended up pressing some buttons and clicking some stuff and thats what happened. I think I went under the tab “filter” but I forget what I did after that. But whatever I did I ended up with all those colors and patterns  on the ball. At first I was like ew, and was going to just undo it. But then I thought it looked kind of cool. It was new and unique and caught my eye. So I kept it.

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